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Émilie MorinCA/QC

Émilie Morin<sup>CA/QC</sup>
Émilie MorinCA/QC

Émilie Morin was born and raised in Montréal. She obtained her BA in dance in 2006, and since then, works freelance as a dance performer for live performance and dance on screen. She has collaborated with many independent choreographers and filmmakers. She has traveled to Europe, the United States and Mexico to present her work, give conferences, teach and for her own professional development. To investigate further the relation between dance and new medias, Morin completed an MFA at Concordia University in the Intermedia Program (2017-2021). Her academic research was funded by the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et Culture (FRQSC).

Credit Photo: Dominique Bouchard

Émilie Morin CA/QC All Voices, Nameless and Singular

Selfie-based performance for a choreography of the self. All Voices, Nameless and Singular is a dance performance that investigates how to use choreography with the consumer telecommunication technology Skype, and the artists’ personal laptop and iPhone, to construct images of oneself. The lens of the “conventional selfie” acts as the conceptual framework to explore how a conscious embodiment of the choreographed gestures can create new relations within the dancing body, between the body and the images, and between the audience and the images.

Presented by Hexagram