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Mathieu Le Sourd, also known as MAOTIK, is a French digital artist focused on creating immersive environments, interactive installations, digital architectural sculptures, and audiovisual performances which play at the intersection of art, science, and technology.

With a solid career in academia, MAOTIK is best known for using computer-generated algorithms to create reality-shifting environments, he performs with his own audiovisual tools by generating graphic elements in real-time, in order to transform the perceptions of space. In constant collaboration with artists from other disciplines such as music, dance, theater, and architecture, but also with scientists, he investigates the relation between arts and technology, exploring new artistic languages.

Over the last few years, his work has been presented at international festivals and institutions worldwide, such as Sónar, Oi Futuro in Rio, Art Basel, Frieze London, FIAC Paris, Signal Festival in Prague, the British Film Institute in London, ARS Electronica in Linz, Miraikan Science Museum in Tokyo, B39 in Seoul or Funkhaus in Berlin. His pieces and performances are also an essential part of the history of the MUTEK Network since its inception.

French digital artist Mathieu Le Sourd aka Maotik.


French digital artist Mathieu Le Sourd aka Maotik.


Wavelengths of light, an interactive installation that interprets different steps of the scientist’s practice of atoms scanning in order to improve our understanding of the structure of materials on this truly fundamental scale.


With his Portugal-based studio, Maotik, Mathieu collaborates with more interdisciplinary artists to create data visualization, public art, and interactive experiences.
