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Estelle SchorppFR/QC

Estelle Schorpp<sup>FR/QC</sup>
Estelle SchorppFR/QC

Estelle Schorpp is a French sound artist and composer based in Montréal. Her heterogeneous work involves sound installation, electroacoustic composition, writing and performance. She is interested in sound environments, hybridity between nature and technology, and attention to the "unremarkable". In her latest projects, she draws inspiration from natural sound ecosystems and explores the potential of algorithmic systems through autonomous sound installations.

Photo credit: Juliette Francine Frenay

Estelle Schorpp FR/QCÉcosystème(s)

is an auto-interactive sound installation inspired by the communication techniques of orthopteran insects. It invites attentive listening and silence. A configuration of about twenty loudspeakers transmits sound samples whose morphologies, inspired by the songs of insects, form a sound microcosm. Using two microphones and an activation and threshold system, each sample enters or disappears, depending on the “sound space” it can occupy. The audience’s own sound presence modifies the behavior of the environment, which strives to find a balance.

Presented by Hexagram